Journal 3: Yoga as Physical Culture

        This week I experienced my yoga session via Zoom. This yoga session felt more strenuous than the last two the past two weeks. The yoga sessions that I attended the two weeks prior to this week were more relaxing and focused on breathing and ridding the body and mind of stress, where this weeks yoga session felt like it was mainly focused on the physical aspect of yoga and deep stretching. I felt that the stretches done during this yoga session were more fast paced and rushed compared to my past two yoga sessions. Also, the movements and stretches that I did this week felt a little more difficult as compared to the last two weeks.
        Yoga is definitely framed as more than just exercise. Many people who participate in the practice of yoga feel that it cleanses the body and mind of impurities and rejuvenates the soul. Yoga is known for being just as healthy mentally and spiritually as it is physically. The ways in which it is suggested at my practice space that yoga can "empower" you is that it can clear your mind of any stress or mental obstacles and help you see more clearly in order to overcome those mental blocks. Yoga can "empower" one by building physical strength and feeling a difference in one's overall physicality and health. Yoga has an "empowering" effect because it helps connect the body and mind and soul all together as one.
        Yoga is preferred over running or doing Zumba because it provides benefits that neither of the other two physical activities offer. When it comes to running it does help clear one's mind but it is not connecting the mind and body as yoga does. Running can be intense or uncomfortable for some if they do not have the stamina or cardio strength to do so. Yoga is able to be done by people of all ages from young to old and it does not take too much strength if one is doing beginners yoga. Yoga is a practice that is better than running or Zumba because it is able to be done by everyone from all ages and walks of life and it is way more than just physical, it is mental and spiritual as well.


  1. what did you think of the fact that Dianne did not do the practice herself?

    1. I felt that having Dianne not physically demonstrating the practice herself made the class a little more difficult to do. I feel that if she was doing the practice herself it would have been easier to create some of the positions she was asking us to create.


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