Journal 6: Yoga as Healing (medicine)

        This week I participated in a yoga class via Zoom. I feel that the more yoga classes I take part in the more I am enjoying yoga. Each class seems less difficult and more relaxing as time goes on. I am able to do more stretches and positions that I was not previously able to do. I find myself looking forward to my yoga classes now.
        Yoga is seen as a healing practice at my practice space because it clears my mind and physically stretches and relaxes my body. Going to the gym every day and lifting weights tightens and stiffens my muscles and yoga is my therapy afterwards. I feel that yoga is better than medicine because it relieves my body of any aches and pains that I used to take pain killers for. This idea that yoga is medicine is part of most of my classes that I have participated in. Most of the yoga instructors speak on how yoga is better if not just as good as medicine. 
        After doing yoga I feel that my body is stretched out and relaxed. I feel that my mind is clear and my brain and body feel at ease. Yoga definitely helps me rid my body of any stresses and worries. After doing yoga I feel as if I have bettered myself. I truly enjoy doing yoga because it makes me feel better internally and externally. 


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