
Showing posts from September, 2020

Journal 2: The Studio as Ritual Space

     This week I experienced my second ever yoga class via Zoom. The yoga instructor had the camera set up at an eye-level so that it was easy to see every movement clearly. This yoga instructor taught alone with no one else in the studio with her. The environment was pretty similar to the last yoga class's I attended. There were plants in the background and all the windows were open allowing sunlight to shine in and light up the whole studio. It was peaceful and calming.     What makes my practice space a "sacred space" is it being completely silent. The only noise to be heard is the instructors voice explaining what to do. Having lots of windows with sunlight pouring in. I like there being plants and greenery in the room as well. Pictures of nature around the studio is calming as well.     The rules that are to be followed to make my practice space a "sacred space" are that everyone is quiet and allows the instructor to speak. There should not be any interrupt

My First Yoga Class

     Today was my first ever yoga class and the environment was very peaceful and relaxing. It was a beginners course that anyone could attend whether you're a beginner or an expert. The studio itself was very bright with natural lighting. All the windows and blinds of the studio were open and there were lots of plants and greenery around it. The instructor spoke a lot about using the Earth's energy and pushing off the Earth and having the plants around the room made the yoga environment feel more natural and one with the Earth.      The yoga instructor spoke very calmly and soothingly. The room was extremely quiet with no background noise whatsoever. With every movement and every position she was so descriptive. She made the positions and movements easy to understand how to do. The instructor kept telling the class when to inhale and exhale during the motions. She also kept referring to how parts of the body remain aligned with the heart.       I honestly enjoyed my first ever