
Showing posts from December, 2020

Final Blog Post

            Taking the Yoga: East Meets West course was a fun and life-long experience that I will carry with me forever. I learned what the actual meaning of yoga is and how beneficial it is to take part in. I am glad that I learned what I did about yoga and I am thankful that I physically participated in a yoga class via Zoom each week. I feel that taking this course and participating in a yoga class each week made me better mentally and physically. Taking this yoga class and journaling about my experience made it more serious to me than I thought it would have been when I first signed up for this course. I am glad that I journaled about my experience because it allows me to look back on my experience with starting yoga and introducing yoga into my daily life. When I took my first yoga class, my first journal entry was about how the environment was of the yoga instructor’s yoga studio and how the yoga instructor carried out the class. When I wrote my first journal, I spoke about ho

Journal 11

         This week I participated in my yoga class via Zoom. I am no longer sick so I was happy to be able to practice the movements again. When I wasn't able to participate in my yoga classes I felt that I was more stressed and my mind was cluttered within the weeks I couldn't do anything. Even though this class is over I think I am going to continue to do yoga. I feel that practicing yoga at least once a week I am a happier and less stressed person.          Yoga is taught as a spiritual practice depending on where the yoga is being taught. I feel that depending on the teacher of the yoga class makes yoga a spiritual practice or not. Yoga in India is definitely taught as a spiritual practice. Here in the United States yoga is taught as more of a physical practice. Yoga is taught in my practices as a spiritual practice.          Spirituality is defined in my practice as uniting the the body, mind and soul and allowing the divine power fill oneself. Spirituality is expressed in

Journal 10

         This week I participated in my yoga class via Zoom. Due to be still being sick however, I was not able to participate so instead I just sat and watched. It stinks being sick and not being able to participate in the virtual class. Each week my yoga class is what helps me relieve stress and clear my mind. I understand that I am not supposed to be taking part in any forms of physical activity but I feel my yoga sessions are more mental relief than physical movements.          The role of the body is to physically carry oneself through the movements in order to mentally and spiritually reach enlightenment. The body is what allows one to perform the yoga movements. The body can be looked at as an outer layer that simply holds the mental and spiritual aspects of someone inside. Without the body enlightenment would not be able to be reached. The body is needed in order to perform the physical movements of yoga.          The body is approached as a vehicle. The body just allows for th